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Tag: The Algorithm Will See You Now

Algorithm Anarchist – week of February 9, 2023

A weekly roundup of AI algorithms in the news Greetings readers! In my upcoming speculative thriller, The Algorithm Will See You Now, there’s a podcaster who dubs herself the “Algorithm Anarchist.” She’s trying to get the world to see the truth about Big Medicine conglomerate “PRIMA” — Prognostic Intelligent Medical Algorithms (but no spoilers). So…

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What if Elon Musk was in charge of your healthcare?

It’s not as farfetched as you might think. I’m willing to bet you would consider it more possible now than if I’d asked you this question six months ago. What if, in the near-future, AI algorithms in healthcare advance to the point where corporate-owned conglomerations rely on the AI to determine who gets medical treatment…