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Tag: algorithms

I’m a medical oncologist. Here’s why A.I. isn’t going to cure cancer.

As a cancer physician, the amount of data I obtain on my patients is ever-increasing, along with options for cancer therapies. This is, as the saying goes, a good problem to have, but the amount of data management oncologists must do after hours (because there isn’t enough time in the clinic day) to keep up…

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Using OpenAI to generate art about healthcare burnout, help write (this very) blog post, and predict the consequences of Elon Musk buying Twitter

This weekend, after seeing others on social media post images from openAI’s DALL-E-2 art generator, I decided to give it a try. After thinking on a topic that (1) I am interested in, (2) others are interested in, and (3) I was curious to see an AI’s ability to interpret, I decided on the topic…

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