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Author: Jennifer Lycette, MD

From a chatbot in love to using AI to talk to animals – this week’s AI roundup

Algorithm Anarchist* – week of 2/16/23 It’s been a busy week of AI in the news! Let’s dive right in: 1. A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled Kevin Roose, technology columnist in The New York Times, wrote today about his interaction with Bing’s new chatbot, “Sydney.” His takeaway: “It’s now clear to…

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Algorithm Anarchist – week of February 9, 2023

A weekly roundup of AI algorithms in the news Greetings readers! In my upcoming speculative thriller, The Algorithm Will See You Now, there’s a podcaster who dubs herself the “Algorithm Anarchist.” She’s trying to get the world to see the truth about Big Medicine conglomerate “PRIMA” — Prognostic Intelligent Medical Algorithms (but no spoilers). So…

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2022 Roundup: Top 5 most read blog posts of 2022 — and my top 5 favorites

I haven’t done one of these year-end round-ups before, but given 2022 marked the five year anniversary of the blog, it seemed a good year to start. For each post, I’ve selected a favorite passage to highlight (different from the preview passage you’ll see on the home page). First, the top five most read blog…

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If the hospital CEO emailed employees like Twitter’s CEO

(hashtag satire, y’all) To: [Group: all employees] From: Office of the CEO Subject: A fork in the road Going forward, we will need to be extremely hardcore to streamline a restructured Health care 2.0 and succeed in an increasingly diseased world. This will mean working even longer hours at high intensity. Only exceptional performance will…

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Using OpenAI to generate art about healthcare burnout, help write (this very) blog post, and predict the consequences of Elon Musk buying Twitter

This weekend, after seeing others on social media post images from openAI’s DALL-E-2 art generator, I decided to give it a try. After thinking on a topic that (1) I am interested in, (2) others are interested in, and (3) I was curious to see an AI’s ability to interpret, I decided on the topic…

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